Letters & Poems

The Battle Family has received over 300 letters and poems about Michael. Over 50 of those appear on the following pages. Please be patient while these pages load.

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I like to say thank you to everyone for coming today to share in Michael Battles spirit.
My name is Brian Keddle and I am here to tell you my memories of Michael Battle
I first met Michael in grade 1, I had sprained my leg and Michael was the one that came to my aid and from that day on we were best of friends.
From grade 3 to grade 6, John, Chris, Chris, Mike and I were the 5 musketeers.
The best memories I have of the 5 of us going to Chatham every weekend, camping, chasing sheep, and learning what real friends are. We had our army shovels, camouflage and face paints.
All the mums and dads would take us to the Marina and we would leave Friday and come back on Sunday black from the bonfires we kept lit all weekend.
Thanks to Tor and Tony Rose for being there for Michael and making him such a great captain.
Special thanks to Martin and Stella, Deanna and John for sharing Michael with us.

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Battle

We have never met before, but Mike and I were friends in high school, we also dated for a few months but stayed friends for a couple years after. Shortly after that I met my husband settled down and started a family. I only ran into Mike once or twice in the last seven or eight years, but I still thought of him often.
So many times I wanted to pick up the phone and call him, to see how he was doing, but I didn't, now I wish I had.
I would have liked to have attended the memorial service, but I did not even hear of the accident until the afternoon of the service. I feel in the short time I knew Mike, that somehow he made me a better person, and I felt very privileged to have known him.
So please accept my deepest deepest sympathy and may you find strength and comfort knowing he really is still with you in spirit.

Sincerely Susie Williamson
(original hand written)


Email from Jeff Barber & Martha Barber

Welcome back to the ministry. I have seen your name over the years that I have worked here but do not in fact know you other than you work in Finance and Administration. I was shocked when I found out the news of your son. My son (6) and I had been together a couple times for Fishing for Fathers Day on your son's boat. He was a great guy, he let you know that he was in charge and as long as you followed the few rules then the order of the day was to have fun fishing. We have good memories of our time out on the boat so your son has contributed to our lives. Anyway, thanks for sharing the websites with all of us here at work. Please know that there are people out here thinking of you.



A letter sent to an Edmonton friend who hadn't seen Michael in several years.

April, 2000


Just so that you can get "re-acquainted" with Michael, we are enclosing copies of articles from the local paper re his memorial services and also a page of photos of Michael. Just by looking at these pictures I'm sure you will recall what a good and loving person Michael was in this life.

Michael, as mentioned in his obituary, was dearly loved by so many many people and will be remembered for his love of people, his ability to make all people feel "special", his generosity, leadership and genuine kindness to others. Also for his ever present smile and his famous bear hugs! All these exceptional qualities were repeated and emphasized in the hundreds of cards and letters that we received.

St. Patricks Church, where Michael had his memorial, was filled with love and to capacity with standing room only. After the touching and very sad but wonderful service 68 sports motorcycles led the procession along the Victoria Water front to the Oak Bay Marina. Several boats then accompanied the Tor Haven skipped by Michael's soul mate Tor Miller who took Michael's ashes out to Chatham Island to be scattered at sea.

The Oak Bay Marina lowered their flag at half mast, are also making arrangements to have a memorial bench erected at the Marina in Michael's honour. The bench, will face directly at Chatham Island, a favorite and relaxing spot of Michaels. This bench, we are sure, will be very well used by his many friends to pray, meditate and to talk to Michael recalling his many enthusiastic adventures which filled his 28 years of life.

Michael Battle a special person ……….Cont'd

Michael was in high spirits the last several weeks prior to his death. The Chiropractor efforts and Massage Therapist treatments were helping him alleviate some of the pain that Michael still was experiencing as a result of the serious accident he received while working in the Alberta Oilfields.

His future was also falling into place. Seaspan International, a large and reputable company in the barge and tug boat business, recently interviewed Michael and wanted him to start in July or August of this year. They also informed Michael that they were going to put him through 4 years of Marine Engineering School. They were so impressed with him and thought so highly of him that they wanted him to be a long term employee with the company.

Michael, by the way, was the Skipper of the Discovery Princess, a 40 passenger charter boat running out of the Oak Bay Marina, and Michael also had the distinction of being the youngest person to have his Captain's papers on the West Coast at 19 years of age. A great accomplishment and an example of sheer determination by a young man.

The loss of Michael has saddened so many people and we are overwhelmed with the enormous and out pouring of love and affection directed to our son. We thank God for the wonderful 28 years that we have had Michael with us. We shall miss him dearly and our love will always be with him.

Thank you for caring about Michael.

Dear Martin

There are no words we can say to express how very sad we feel and how much you've been in our thoughts these past few weeks. You have more friends out there, Martin than you could ever know. You are a good and special person in our eyes, and we just wish we knew something we could do to help. We've never met your wife or family, but our thoughts go out to them as well.

Blessings Barry and Lois Dutton

(Original hand written)

The Battle Family

I met Mike 5 years ago through a mutual friend. We seemed to drift into each others lives every two years. I was fortunate to spend his 23rd birthday with his family and friends. I remember the chicken stew Mrs. Battle, it was amazing. He touched my heart 5 years ago and will keep a hold on it for the rest of my life. I last saw him last June, we spent a couple of days together and I remember every moment because he was just so carefree and loved each moment. I only found out about this terrible loss on Tuesday, six weeks later. On my way to work I drove past the Marina and smiled because the boat was gone. I figured he was on an early charter or he crashed asleep after a long night on one of the Islands. When I arrived at work I ran into a mutual friend. She approached me with sincere empathy wondering how I was holding up. I had no idea…I am feeling really relieved that John has created this website because I feel as if I can go through all the grief with reminders of how many other people love him like I did. He did have a way of making each person feel like they had a unique relationship with him. Mike had "the hug" too as everyone knows. Each time he held me I can honestly say I felt some unexplainable love we shared. But it's not unexplainable because everyone can understand the feeling. He was the most amazing man I have ever met. I have brought you this plant to remind you of your son each year and to help with a "warm fuzzy" each summer. The color is bright like his eyes and the sea he loved so much. There are care instructions attached and please call Garden Works if you need to. Thank you again, for the website, I now have reminders in my house. How much he loved life!! I will miss Mike with my heart, mind and soul.
I am sorry for your loss

Bonnie Frazer
If you want to go for a walk or something. I'm right around the corner

(Original hand written)

Dear Martin & Stella

Attending Michaels memorial service today was an experience I won't soon forget. Although I never met Michael it was obvious by the testimonials of his friends and relatives that he was a credit to the love and care of his parents.

His love for life and adventure was evident yet he cared about other people and made them feel important, a lesson for all of us.

One can never understand why a young person is taken so early in life when they have contributed so much to others, but we can learn from them and appreciate the benefits that Michael has given us.

All the praises can never make up for your loss. Carol and I can only offer the deepest sympathy and Gods blessings in the future.

May the love of the Savior be with you.

Cliff Salmond

(Original hand written)

Email from Angela & Wayne Pike

Hey girl

We're sorry to here about your great loss. Mike is in a very happy loving place. Remember that all his love will always be with you. An now you have the most powerful, caring and devoted Guardian Angel to watch over you.

For the few times I saw him he was a very happy go lucky person.

Please give our condolences to your Mom, Dad, Brother and Mike's girlfriend. For not all is lost he is with you always and forever in mind, body and soul.

If ever in need of an ear, please don't heatitate for I'm here if you need a sounding board.

To you love and smiles
For all the good/bad times
For all lifes interesting moments
For all the unjust and unfair
For all the memories we had so dear
For all our hearts can bear
For we are a race which can prosper
And hold all who is near with no fear
Of the greatest gift "LOVE"

Love to you

Email from Jason Street

Dear Deanna
First off, my name is Jason, you don't know me, but I knew Mike. I only met him 3 times. First was your usual introductions, Mike, Jason, Jason, Mike. The second and third were like we were old friends. He was, and still is an amazing person. We are all lucky to have known him.

I'm in Bosnia right now. My friend Angie forwarded your email to me, she thought it would be nice to let me know how you and your family are doing. I won't be home for Christmas, or New Years, but I will be able to sit back and think of the guy my brother called "The Big…. Captain Guy". You can never forget first impressions! Yes we are all lucky to have known Mike. He made our lives richer just by showing up and smiling.

Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year
Jason Street

Email from Rhonda Kish


Our deepest regrets to you Deanna and your family. We had a number of calls last night with the news. Please keep up posted as we would very much like to attend the funeral. Your brother was an amazing person and he made everyone he met feel like they were important to him. He will be missed by all who knew him. We love you and wish you all strength in this difficult time.

Love Mike and Rhonda

Feelings for Michael

It's been twenty months
Since you passed away.
And the year draws us closer
To another day…

Where families draw together,
But wait! Something's wrong!
Things just aren't the same
Since Michael's been gone!

And pieces of our hearts
Have wandered astray.
Yet we continue to see
The light of another day.

It's been really tough
Since our paths have parted.
The conflict of fate
Of a dearly departed.

But we also understand
To accept things as they be.
It doesn't make it easier,
It just kind of sets us free.

So we hang on to the faith
That one day our paths will cross.
Knowing ours was a beautiful experience
Not just this grieving loss.

Stephanie Decurnex
December, 2001

